Okay, back by popular demand. Here is a vintage mall directory, probably 1985, of Solano Mall in Fairfield.
The directory shows Sears in its original location and the original configuration of the mall around Sears. That entrance was re-constructed when Sears moved to the space formerly occupied by Emporim-Capwell, and Edwards Cinema joined the mall.
Enjoy the vintage list of stores, such as Chess King and Chick-Fil-A.
Does anyone know why the mall appears to have expected Macy's to build a wider store? I know it's usual for department stores to secure additional area for expansion, but I'm not sure if it applies here.
Also, from the aerial, it looks like the mall section around Macy's and Edwards Cinema is different from the rest of the mall. In fact, the directory shows corridors at the point the building changes shape (such as, becoming narrower). Was that an addition?
The husband and wife team in the brochure look like they could pass for the parents of the girl on the game: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5883/1181/1600/MallMadness19892.jpg
Oops, I guess Macy's is where it has always been. It sure looks like the mall was added on to. Perhaps it was a later phase? Newpark Mall was lengthened in such a way. I certainly miss some of the older store chains and the way some of the current chains used to be.
Could that woman in the photo be Kimberlin Brown, of "The Young and the Restless" and "The Bold and the Beautiful" fame?
I went through this whole directory and found that the following spaces were all available at the time: 102 and 104 on Level 1, and 203, 206, 240, 241, 242 and 243 on Level 2. (I wonder why everything in that one clump was empty at the time?)
Westfield's store directories are very user hostile, but I'll still try to find out which stores are still in their 1985 places (besides the anchors of course).
Er... No I won't. Westfield's map's too frustrating.
When the mall first opened, it had only JCPenney & Mervyn's. Emporium Capwell was added a couple of years later followed by Macys & finally Sears. The mall actually ended before you got to Macys, but was expanded when those two stores were added.
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