Sunday, January 01, 2006

Why I don't list all the stores in each mall

I recently received some feedback from a few visitors asking why I didn't list all the stores in each the malls on my website. One e-mail even suggested a revenue potential by pay-per-click ads to the stores.
Well... besides it being a tremendous amount of work to keep up with the stores in 80+ malls, I'm not trying to take the place of the official mall websites. Taubman, a mall owner, even sued someone (and lost) for a Web site that was "too much" like the mall's official site. I'm not interested in that kind of litigation.
I realize that some people come across my site in an attempt to find the stores listed at the malls (and their telephone numbers), and I regret I can't provide that for them. However, I do provide a link to the official Web site for each mall to obtain that information. And no, I don't get anything for referring visitors to the official mall Web sites. It's a GREAT idea for me to receive money if I provide a link... but so far, no takers :(
Although, I do have a referral program to Macy's, Sears, and Target, I don't earn very much money at all (unless you click the link and buy something).
Sorry folks!
I appreciate the feedback.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered adding shopping districts to your site, perhaps as a separate listing (like you do for outlet shopping centers) but showing their locations on your maps? I would be interested in your reviews and ratings of these areas too. For clarification only, I provided a link to the type of areas that I am thinking about here.

Scott Parsons said...

Hmmmm. I'm thinking about it.
A recent trip to Fourth Street in Berkeley, much like a mall, illustrates good shopping areas need not be a mall.
Thanks for the comment,

Pseudo3D said...

"Taubman, a mall owner, even sued someone (and lost) for a Web site that was "too much" like the mall's official site. I'm not interested in that kind of litigation."

Was it this site?